N.B.! We are currently updating our website. Please be patient while we add new information and features – the new site will be completed and available shortly!
NISN is a non-political and non-sectarian academic association. It seeks to promote and encourage the study and teaching of all aspects relating to the society, culture and literature of the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and the Irish diaspora. The network organizes seminars, symposia, and conferences for scholars, Ph.D. students, teachers, and other interested parties. It aspires to encourage discussion among members on topics of Irish interest, and to promote and enhance the interest in Irish studies within the Nordic countries.
NISN Constitution
The NISN Executive, 2021-2023
NISN Members elect an Executive. Elections to elect an Executive take place every two years. The current Executive sits from 2021 to 2023.
NISN President
Anne Karhio
Associate Professor, English literature
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Email: anne.karhio@inn.no
NISN Treasurer
Ruben Moi
Professor, Department of Culture and Literature
Faculty of Humanities
University of Tromsø
9037 Tromsø
Email: Ruben.Moi@hum.uit.no
NISN Secretary
Ciaran McDonough
Department of History, University of Iceland
Email: mcdonough@hi.is
NISN EXECUTIVE BOARD (Section under revision)
Charles I. Armstrong
Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Translation, University of Agder
Email: charles.armstrong@uia.no
Anthony Johnson
Professor, Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology
Åbo Akademi University
Email: dgy@du.se
Sara Dybris McQuaid
Associate Professor, School of Communications and Culture
Email: engsdm@cc.au.dk
Web Editor
Anne Karhio
Email: anne.karhio@inn.no